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Who we are

Uncommon Fathers is the passion project of Tim Lyons.

Hi, I’m Tim. I’ve never met my Dad. He never showed up… My mother raised me and my baby halfsister on her own, and barely made it out alive. My childhood is a case study for men that ran from their roles as leaders and fathers. Somehow, like Air Force One in Independence Day,I made it out and it appears that I have something of value to share with the world.

I fancy myself a decent Dad. Growing up with my background, I knew it wasn’t easy, and it still isn’t. I screw up daily at this job, but I keep coming back.

99% of the reason I have been able to be the dad I aspire to be is because of my wife and both her background in the family she grew up in, and how focused she is on being a great mommy. We have a synergy and sense of teamwork that I treasure. She’s also really beautiful so it’s easy to keep my focus… (lol).

Our goal as parents is to one day, enjoy our grandchildren as they are raised in stable Christian homes.

My desire as the leader of Uncommon Fathers is to share the wisdom God has blessed me with, share the wisdom of other Uncommon Fathers, and help men replicate – healthy manhood, vibrant marriages and well adjust children into the next generations.

We learn in Proverbs 13:22 that “A godly man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children.” My legacy will be the family values we hope to share with you.

Honoring God,
