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Father Fiction

A few years ago a mentor of mine inadvertently called me to become a #dadlife promoter, #dadstress combatant – aka – one who tries to help dad’s be better men, husbands and fathers. He handed me the book Father Fiction, Chapter for a Fatherless Generation by Donald Miller. This book really changed my perspective on being a dad. I grew up without a dad. I grew up idolizing the dad’s of my …Read More

Next Step

As a father, I have noticed, that the weight of the responsibilities of the roles I fill – man, husband and father – are a bit like a swirling hurricane. Almost, too big to comprehend. While on my run this morning something changed for me. I have always been a thinker, an idea guy, a guy looking at the whole sum of a thing’s parts. I often ponder, what is …Read More

The internet of things, and kids.

So, most parenting resources for technology typically target the teen segment. Well, welcome to the age of the Xenial and Millenial parents… where we give our kids devices almost as soon as they can crawl. Were guilty, our 2 year old has her own iPad… I mean I grew up with the TV on with Sesame Street, HeMan or Voltron or some other cartoon with my mom doing chores, work, …Read More


What I love about engines is they are a great image for manhood. MORE POWER… right? Think of yourself as an engine. To go from Zero to Sixty in a… dodge demon it takes a desire (press pedal) and then a response – engine RPM’s increase. Then a down shift, a lurch, a down shift, a surge, and a downshift. By that time you are cruising at 60+ MPH. So …Read More

Financial Independence

This is the topic that I get most animated about. The Love of money is the root of all evil. People tend to brush that scripture verse away and ho hum about life not thinking that if you fail to plan you will plan to fail, and failing at money isn’t what this life is about. But money touches every part of our lives. I first came to understand money’s importance …Read More

Quality of Life… sounds nice

The euphemism of all euphemisms. Quality of Life is one of those business buzz words that gets people all warm and cozy singing kumbaya around the campfire. I don’t know about you, but I live in the real world. Corporate dumbo-bable never really appealed to me. When I first heard about “work life balance,” another attempt at the great corporate compromise, I wanted to vomit. Don’t get me wrong, there …Read More

Magic in the Margin

Remember notebook paper from grade school? There were big margins. When we were taught to write, we were told to leave “margin.” In printing and graphic design they call the margin the “bleed” so there is room for error. With being a husband and a father we need to create margin in our life. I like to use the analogy of “walls” that box in my professional time to ensure …Read More