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Because of the Brave

Today is Memorial Day. Across our land families will gather with close friends and relatives (myself included) to indulge in a BBQ’s and outdoor fun. As we prepared for this day I asked my wife an almost rhetorical question, “do we know anyone that has passed in battle.” Surprisingly we don’t have any known family that have died in a conflict that we know as far back as WWI. The …Read More

Excellence where it really counts

The grind of life can easily wear down our sensibility for excellence in our personal and families life. To a man… on your deathbed you wont think about your golf game, the possessions you have accumulated, the professional mountains you climbed and dragons you slayed. You will ask about your relationships and family.  So what is excellent in the context of relationships and family legacy? Just this week I witnessed …Read More

Time Marches On

This was a year ago today. It is my favorite picture because sooo much is happening in it. It’s been hard to process, hard to move forward from this and our insurance business. A friend today shared that “there are no coincidences” and the fact that both major events were within 2 weeks of each other isn’t lost on me. Dealing with a mini stroke has been awkward to talk …Read More

Behave In Church

… and everywhere really. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore is not an act, but a habit – Aristotle. I read an article in Parents Magazine about the “perfect royal children” at the perfect royal wedding. How on earth did they get 10 children under 6 to behave so well. The article postulates – rehearsal. There’s the rub. If on the two times a year you go to …Read More

Wild at Heart

I read John Eldredge’s “Wild at Heart” recently. It was a transformational read for me. So much so, that I finished it in 2 days. In fairness, it was a short read, but the material spoke to me on a primal level. In the book, John describes the heart of a man as a wild creature. His language about the roles of men and women inspired me. He discusses the …Read More

More than one day

By now Mother’s Day has passed and we are all done with asking every mom around how her special day was, how yummy brunch was,  what kinds of things she received. Ours was a lovely day. But now its wednesday and its back to “life.” I am working to make every day like mothers day. Not an over the top day of platitudes and flowers, but I am committed to …Read More

Summer is coming… #dadcamp

  One of my favorite shows is “Game of Throne’s” – the mantra “Winter is Coming” is a constant reminder that things change. Well summer is a time of fun and slowing down. One way we do it is by planning some #Dadventures! Summer Is Coming! Alone time with Dad on #Dadventures are a unique opportunity to be alone with your kids and impart wisdom, love, laughs, silliness and a …Read More

Mental health and what we are doing about it!

Men’s mental health is a crisis in America. I strongly believe that most all of the social ills can be traced back to the stability in our homes and the presence of a engaged father in our childhood. See our recent post on “Father Fiction”  to shed light on the concept of a father wound that effects all of us as we become men, husbands and fathers. You do what you …Read More

Financial Disaster

Was told 2 statistics today: 78% of Americans are within one missed paycheck of a financial disaster. Almost 20% of Americans have NO retirement savings. 58% are saving less than 10% (also 78%). A financial disaster is like a hurricane or tornado. It’s not a total take down. It’s a major event that if not properly prepared for, you won’t recover to prior life style levels. Do you have a …Read More