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Kindness, Respect and Grace

We have 4 kids. 3 of which are very close in age. The term “Irish triplets” is sometimes used to poke fun. As we navigate parenting I developed a mantra that has helped us keep the peace and I hope will help the kids develop into kind and considerate adults. Kindness, Respect and Grace. I share regularly with the kids that no matter what situation you are in you can …Read More

Memory Making

Did you know that Christmas is only 53 days away? Don’t blink, Black Friday is less than 3 weeks away… Your going to be up to your eyeballs in pageants, class parties, holiday gatherings at work, ugly sweater parties – oh and all your normal responsibilities. This weekend, be intentional! I encourage you to take out your calendar and mark off time for some one on one bonding with each …Read More

The Leader In Me

Our children’s school invested in The Leader In Me program offered through the Franklin Covey team, the folks who bring us the “7 Habits of Highly Effective People.” The curriculum has been a huge success and I highly recommend all parents encourage their children’s school administrators to invest in this amazing program. There is a multi year structured roll out from Faculty and Staff, Students and Home. Year one is …Read More

Keep THIS man…

‬‬ The Keep at Dorchester Pastor Jentezen Franklin keynoted the recent “Diesel” Men’s Event at Christ Fellowship. His message was profound and simple all in one. He used this scripture to share some KISS wisdom with over 3000 men at a charged event celebrating authentic Christian Manhood. “As Ahab king of Israel passed by, the prophet called out to him. The prophet said, “I went to fight in the battle. …Read More

A real life giant

I had the pleasure this week to spend time with Pastor Bob Bender of Christ Fellowship, Boynton Beach campus. Bob is such a warrior for Jesus, it was apparent that he very well might be able to move mountains. I was so blessed by the interaction that I wanted to give you the golden nuggets he dropped on me to hopefully bring value to you. A little background on Pastor …Read More

Father’s Day

  My father’s day was epic. I have 4 kids and they are pretty young so this holiday gets all my feels going. I listen to Christian Radio as I drive around town most days and yesterday there was a consistent sound bit that kept replaying – something like “Happy Father’s Day, whether this day is good for you or brings up bad memories, you have a God in heaven …Read More

Final Report Cards

The first weeks of summer bring with them new routines and new activities, later bed times, travel and BBQ’s. Your kids should also receive their final report card in the first few weeks after school let’s out. A report car represents achievement and completion. We are big propondents of seasonal changes and times of work and times for rest. We mark these moments and seasonal changes with celebration achievements in …Read More

Take me out to the ball game!

The Boys of Summer are HERE! Join some other Uncommon Fathers and their kids for a day at the ball park. We are heading to the July 1st Marlins – Mets game. The fine folks at Aquafina (see what i did there) are providing a ticket deal for 4 tickets, 4 Hotdogs and 4 Aquafina’s for your families refreshment and budgetary concerns. Click the link – This is a GREAT …Read More

Good news about bad behavior

This article is the best thing you can read for your parenting journey today. Awesome Parenting Advice!! In her book “The Good News About Bad Behavior,” Kathryn Reynolds boils the behavior crisis down to 3 main issues: Where, how and how much kids are allowed to play had changed from when the parents were children Access to tech and social media have exploded, which is completely different than when current …Read More


When I think about the “Big 3” concept of Sustainability is am reminded of rhythms and seasons present in the world around us. When you have children, your life’s rhythm revolves around their school schedules. Another school year is ending and I am reminded of seasonal happenings like end of year parties (happen each year, but I sometimes forget to anticipate them…). There are natural rhythms and routines all around …Read More