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Memory Making

Did you know that Christmas is only 53 days away?

Don’t blink, Black Friday is less than 3 weeks away…

Your going to be up to your eyeballs in pageants, class parties, holiday gatherings at work, ugly sweater parties – oh and all your normal responsibilities.

This weekend, be intentional! I encourage you to take out your calendar and mark off time for some one on one bonding with each of your kids this holiday season.

An activity I look forward to around the holidays are my one on one shopping trips with each of my kids to pick out a gift for their mother. My trips are short partly because I hate the mall, but also because we are very intentional with our list of gift recipients and we think about a budget and a few gift ideas prior to our trip.

You might find online shopping to be easier, and sure you can involve the kids, but don’t overlook the simple joy of making memories around the holiday with a quick trip to the mall.

Don’t crash land into Christmas or be the stereotype guy frantic on Christmas Eve rummaging through leftovers and picked over shelves.

Give your family the blessing of a Dad that is intentional and proactive with holiday shopping. It’s a great way to model healthy spending habits too…!

Here’s a helpful link to read in advance of the holiday hustle from All Pro Dad.