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Time Marches On

This was a year ago today. It is my favorite picture because sooo much is happening in it.

It’s been hard to process, hard to move forward from this and our insurance business. A friend today shared that “there are no coincidences” and the fact that both major events were within 2 weeks of each other isn’t lost on me.

Dealing with a mini stroke has been awkward to talk about as well. Starting my morning routine, i felt my feet and hands go numb, then up my leg and arm, then my torso, then my face and then i saw a white light.

I used to wonder what Jonah felt and what he was thinking in the belly of the whale. I’ve come to believe it feels a lot like being in a hospital bed with sensors and IV’s, alone with your thoughts and the beeps and whizzes. He was stuck there because God said to go to Nineveh. Perhaps, I too, was (maybe still am) running from God’s will over my life.

Thank you to Leah for helping make it a normal day for the kids, and to George Rone for being my ambulance. Thanks to the visitors for lifting my spirits and for the friends who have helped me this past year.

Anyways, Here is a good link for symptoms of a stroke.

Also, keep aspirin in your bathroom vanity. The neurologist and cardiologist agreed that my chewing of a 325mg aspirin either saved my life or reduced the severity.

I’m blessed beyond merit. I don’t deserve the amazing, loving, loyal, strong, super wife God has blessed me with and my kids are perhaps the biggest proof I have that God exists and he loves us! My family brings me so much joy!

I have to admit that I haven’t loved each day like it’s my last since then, and beside my aspirin tip, I don’t have much wisdom for today. In a year’s time I still feel the shell shock of what happened. I’m still searching for answers, still working to define a new way of living.

I have tried to be fully aware of my blessings, and love God and love people as I want to be loved. I also try to imprint the amazing memories we are making into my mind by actively reflecting on them at the end of each day. I definitely have many more good days than bad ones.

I look back on this year and know the race isn’t over, it’s only just begun.